
Fraser Valley Junior Christian Hockey Association Rules

Fraser Valley Christian Junior Hockey Association Rules and Regulations
Revised JULY 2024

Note: Canadian Amateur Hockey Association Rules Shall Apply with the Addition of the Following:

    1. Any intentional contact with another player will result in a minor penalty.
    2. Any hitting from behind is a minor (or major, at the discretion of the referee) and an automatic game misconduct.
    3. Intent to injure as assessed by the referee will result in a match penalty (see 6.c). The League Board (“the Board”) will review this.
  2. Any intentional contact or abuse (whether verbal or physical) toward an official will result in a gross misconduct and a suspension until the incident is reviewed with the Board.
  3. Swearing or foul language will result in a minor penalty and an automatic game misconduct (see 6.a).
  4. Fighting will result in a major penalty, an ejection from that game and a further 3 game suspension.
  5. Four minor penalties received in a game will result in a game misconduct (see 6.a). A double minor is counted as two penalties, although received at the same time.
  6. Suspensions.
    1. A game misconduct will result in an automatic ejection from the particular game being played plus a one game suspension.
    2. Any major penalty will result in an automatic ejection from the particular game being played plus a two game suspension (except as noted elsewhere).
    3. Any match penalty, such as intent to injure, will result in an automatic ejection from the particular game being played plus a five game suspension. The Board will review this.
    4. Suspensions will automatically be doubled if a previous suspension has been assessed during the season. Any further infractions resulting in a suspension will be reviewed by the Board.
    5. Coaches are responsible for knowing when a suspension results, for informing the player and player's parents, and for ensuring the player does not play in a game from which the player is suspended. Should a player play in a game from which the player is suspended, the game will be automatically forfeited. All goals, and individual stats will be counted for the non-offending team and will be reflected in the final score. The offending teams goals and individual stats will not be counted. Where the non-offending team has not scored, the game will be recorded as a 1-0 win for that team.
    6. Any suspensions will be carried over to playoffs, tournaments, or the next season. Any suspensions in All-Star game, exhibition game or any other tournament played will be carried over to the regular season and/or playoff game(s).
    7. All suspensions may be reviewed by the Board to judge whether further discipline is warranted, depending on the situation.
  7. All games will be one hour and fifteen minutes in length. There will be three 20 minute periods. Running time will be maintained throughout except for the last 3 minutes of the third period, which will be stop time. Unnecessary delays of game may be assessed with a penalty. There will be 1- 30 sec. time out per team that can be called in the game during the regular season and the playoffs. If for any reason there is not enough time for a 20 minute third period, the time keeper will determine how long the third period can be with the three minute stop time taken into account.
  8. During game running time, minor penalties are 3 minutes running time from the time the puck is dropped. During any stop time, the penalties will be 2 minutes.
  9. During game running time, major penalties are 7 minutes running time from the time the puck is dropped. A 10 minute misconduct will be assessed as 13 minutes during running time.
  10. Icing is automatic – no touch icing.
  11. Any player can be moved or traded. The board may consider the comments of the coaches, parents and players but the final decision will be made by the board.
  12. Eligible players must be on the bench and dressed before the start of the second period to be able to play.
  13. New players or teams wishing to join the association must apply and receive Board approval. All players, including those from associate teams, must complete waiver forms. Team rosters of associate teams must be submitted to the Board prior to the start of the season.
  14. Full hockey gear must be worn by all players on the ice and on the bench. This includes a full-face mask and neck protector. Failure to wear proper gear will result in a minor penalty initially and the player will not be allowed on the ice or bench until such time as he has the proper equipment on. Goalies must wear full protection, which includes a throat protector (dangler). Players may not remove any gear until they have left the ice.
  15. If the puck hits the goalie helmet, it is considered a dead puck. It is assumed the whistle is blown the second the puck contacts the goalies helmet. If the puck enters the net as a result of hitting the goalies helmet it is considered NO goal.
  16. Only the Captain or Assistant Captain of the team may speak with the referee. Should another player do so, this could result in a penalty.
  17. In B and C division, a player can score a maximum of 3 goals in a single game. Any additional goals scored by that same player will not be counted in the game, on the game sheet, or in any statistics.
  18. Coaches need to conduct themselves appropriately. Penalties, ejection from the game, or suspensions can be handed out, if necessary, by the referee or the Board.
  19. Playoffs:
    1. Every game in any playoffs must determine a winner.
    2. In the case of a tie at the end of regulation time, the two teams will immediately have a shootout. Each coach of the two teams will provide a list of three players who will take alternating shots on the opposing goalie. If the initial shootout results in a tie, new players from each team will alternate shots until a winner is decided, that is, the first time one player scores and the opposing team's player does not. Players can shoot a second time once all players from one team have had an attempt.
    3. The final round of playoff games may allow for one overtime period of 20 minutes if ice is available. If this results in a tie, a shootout will occur.
    4. All playoff series will be best of three.
  20. Tournaments (C & D Division):
    1. During the round robin part of the tournament, ties will be assessed as 1 point and wins as 2 points.
    2. If two teams are tied in round robin standings, the first tiebreaker will be the number of wins/ losses for each team.
    3. The next is goals against.
    4. The next tiebreaker is goals for.
    5. The next would be how the teams fared against each other.
    6. The next is the least number of penalty minutes.
    7. If still tied, a coin toss will break the tie.
  21. Call up rule:
    1. A player may only be called up from a lower division where a team has 9 skaters (not including the goalie) or less on the bench. This includes playoffs as long as the player being called up has played 10 games or more in his division  and division rep approve.
    2. Players may be called up from a lower division to a higher division by a coach needing a player, up to a total of 5 times . The player, the player's regular coach, and the division representative must approve a call up.
    3. If the player plays a fourth game without all the consents, inadvertently or otherwise, the player will be penalized by receiving a one game suspension for every game played in another division over the 3 game limit.
    4. When a player exceeds the average skill level of a division by an amount that makes him stand out in way that adversely affects the division, the board reserves the right to move that player up to the next division.
  22. FVCJHA Fair Play Rule:

Our Definition of Fair Play:

FVCJHA acknowledges that registration fees are the same for all players within a division and that the game of hockey is intended to be a healthy form of recreation that is to be shared amongst all members of the association. FVCJHA considers the “fair ice” concept to be a core component of team sports. This means that, regardless of individual skill level, all players should be provided an equitable opportunity to develop and contribute to the success of their team, wherever possible. As such, FVCJHA expects that its coaches and assistant coaches take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure that all FVCJHA players on their team(s) receive equitable amounts of playing time in any game or practice, while taking the following considerations into account: 

FVCJHA recognizes that hockey is a dynamic and fast-paced game and that several gameplay and/or other factors beyond the coach’s ability to control will impact a coach’s ability to ensure that equitable ice-time is received by each player. Some of these factors may include, but are not limited to:

• player fatigue

• penalties 

• injuries 

• Illnesses, absences, or other factors resulting in an uneven roster (for example, a team with an odd number of players for the defense positions. If you only have two centers, then they may receive more ice.) 

• gameplay resulting in protracted time in the defensive zone which prevents a shift change 

• equipment failure 

FVCJHA recognizes that for these (and possibly other) reasons, it may be impossible for a coach to achieve truly equal ice for every player

In instances where these and/or other factors may present themselves, it is FVCJHA’s expectation that the coach will take reasonable steps, where feasible, to help mitigate the impact these factors have on balancing the ice-time of his/her players

  1. Two referees will be provided for all games in the A Division and B Division. In the C Division and D Division each team must provide one linesman (one referee will be provided during the round robin tournament and two referees for the playoffs for the C Division). Each team should provide one scorekeeper. The top white copy of all game score sheets must be given to the Division Statistician by the referee.
  2. All officials of any games must wear helmets (safety requirements), the appropriate jerseys (provided by the association), and black pants.
  3. Coaches and assistants must wear helmets during practice.
  4. Concerns, complaints, disagreements, constructive criticism, proposals, and so on, from players, parents, coaches, officials, etc., can be made to the Division Representative of each Division, in written or verbal form, who in turn will discuss these with the Board when necessary, depending on the issue. The Division Representatives and Board will address any issues, concerns, etc. as quickly as possible.